Engineering Chronicles & more...

From 2019 to 2021, I had the privilege of being a member of the esteemed Formula SAE® team at the University of Iowa. During this time, I had the valuable opportunity to work alongside accomplished upperclassmen in the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering. It was under their guidance that I gained proficiency in using industry-standard software such as AutoCAD and Creo.

My academic focus revolves around Applied Physics and Semiconductors, and I have had the chance to delve into various engineering courses during my college years. Some of these courses include Radio Frequency Electronics, Control Systems, Electromagnetic Theory, and Antennas. Furthermore, thanks to my freshamn year roommate, Austin Piper, I also obtained an amateur ham radio license, proudly identified by my call sign: KF0GJM.

Being a part of the Formula SAE® team, learning vital engineering skills, and exploring my passion for Applied Physics and Semiconductors have significantly contributed to my growth as a student and aspiring professional. I am excited to continue my journey and apply my knowledge and experiences to future endeavors as an Electrical Engineer.

ECE Senior Design coursework opened up an incredible avenue for me to delve deeper into the realm of back-end programming and network infrastructure. Through this experience, I not only expanded my knowledge but also honed my skills in UI/UX design using powerful tools like Figma and AdobeXD. Additionally, I had the privilege of delving into the intricacies of microcontrollers such as ESP32 and Arduino, further enhancing my technical expertise.

Beyond my coursework, I embraced the opportunity to explore diverse subjects through engaging gen-ed courses. From delving into the fascinating realms of Intro to Psychology and Developmental Psychology to unraveling the intricacies of human society in Intro to Sociology, each experience broadened my horizons. I even ventured into the captivating art of Calligraphy, where I discovered the beauty of precision and self-expression through ink and paper. In my final semester, I had the chance to take a Self Defense class, and it was there that I encountered someone truly special.

Within the realms of self-defense, destiny introduced me to Eliza Link, an absolutely enchanting presence in my life. Her radiant spirit and unwavering support have shown me the profound beauty and significance of love. 💘